Friday, November 6, 2009

Here I am with a young children's book completed and out, and it is my first time blogging. I certainly hope that parents who are disappointed with children's books today will read Elbridge The Colonial Squirrel. It is an adventurous tale of a brave little squirrel who witnesses the signing of the Declaration of Independence as he is traveling home to tell his mother what he had experienced, he is trapped and captured by an evil trapper. With the help of friends, Elbridge is able to escape, and return safely home to his mother. It is this experience which further deepens Elbridge's understanding and appreciation for personal freedom, as well as freedom from England. He with then invites his friends to sit and share a meal together with he and his mother.

1 comment:

  1. Now to get you posting more. I am following you. You need to post about the festivals and book signings you do. Let's get it going girl. Email me when you get a chance - E :)

    PS - put up a feedburner email subscription thing so when you post new messages I can get them automatically - lol - E :)

    Elysabeth Eldering
    Author of the Junior Geography Detective Squad (JGDS), 50-state, mystery, trivia series

    STATE OF WILDERNESS, Book 1 of 50 now available.
    STATE OF QUARRIES, book 2 of 50 now available
    STATE OF RESERVATIONS, book 3 of 50 coming 2009

    WHERE WILL THE ADVENTURE TAKE YOU NEXT? (series newsletter forum)
